Dr. Octagon- Chapter 8

The end of the series is here folks, sorry to all for the delay in posting this, so enjoy it.
The Return Of Doctor Octagon, Chapter 8: Dj ESE & Bisc1 "Perfect World" (Life During Wartime Remix)
Rob Sonic, Mike Relm, The Gray Kid and the staff of OCD stood behind the front door staring at it. Behind them, staring along with them via webcam were the other members of the Decipher project. It was time for an epic battle, and they all knew it. They wanted to believe from everything that had happened that Dr. Octagon was trying to present mankind a path to a better world, and this pesky alien tribe of Gorillas was trying to prevent him, and so they must fight. But was it all that simple? The facts seemed so confusing. Yet, they knew the time had come...
Rob clutched his sledgehammer tighter. Mike slowly twisted his nunchuks. Gray Kid slipped his razor-edged money clips out of his pocket, into his hands. Behind them, the monitor screens stared back at the scene, but the people behind had disappeared.
Rob kicked open the door, and the battalion of vigilantes stormed the yard outside only to be greeted by the sweltering stillness of a late Los Angeles evening. No Gorillas in sight. Only darkness. Silence.
They headed to the curb and looked down the street to the west, into the ocean. A faint rumble could be heard as something emerged on the horizon. Hummers. Big, huge, gigantic hummers.
Disciple 908 was right: the Gorillas were headed straight for OCD HQ, presumably for the master recording in the mp3 player that appeared mysteriously eight weeks ago. The Decipher crew had not only lead the Gorillas right to it, but had now been drawn out, like pawns in a chess game, away from the very item they have sworn to protect. Mike Relm and Gray Kid raced back inside the building to retrieve the mp3 player and keep it guarded. Rob Sonic and OCD staff stood ready to face the oncoming onslaught when gusts of wind picked up around them.
Looking up, they saw a stealth bomber arriving, hovering high above them. Small figures jumped out of the airplane and sped toward the ground with jetpacks. Rob gave a sigh of relief when he realizes that its members of the Money Fight and Cassettes Won't Listen. As Drake landed, he ran to Rob and explained, "That's Kid Loco's plane. He powers it with some strong skunk... damn that plane flies high and light!"
With the reinforcements, the Decipher crew's morale surged and they gathered to barricade the building. The Hummers approached closer and closer. The crew held their positions. The first Hummer screeched to a halt in front of the building. The crew held their positions. The front doors opened... and out popped a brown hi-top sneaker with neon blue stripes. It wasn't Gorillas - it was DJ Ese and Bisc1 of Embedded Music.
"We don't have much time," announced Ese. "My guy's got a pressing plant locked down in Simi Valley - let's get the masters there and dupe Dr. Octagon's message a.s.a.p. With packaging, we can flood the streets with them in a few days. That's going to be the only way we can protect ourselves from the Gorillas." With cheers of approval, everyone piled into the Hummers as fast as they could. At last, the Decipher crew could commit, with fair certainty, that Dr. Octagon's message was good, no longer evil, and must be disseminated widely towards the betterment of the world.
As they drove off, a lowly intern in the back of the last Hummer in the caravan, turned to look out the back window at the OCD HQ building for one last time. He gasped; "who is that boney figure on the rooftop? He's wearing a labcoat with a stethoscope around his neck, and seems to be holding the head of some black hairy creature in his hand." The intern shook his head and looked again...
Dr. Octagon had disappeared...
Remix Link:
DJ ESE featuring Bisc1 "Perfect World" (Life During Wartime Mix)