Dr. Octagon- Chapter 7

The Return Of Doctor Octagon, Chapter 7: Catchdubs "Al Green" (Chapter 2, Verse 908 Remix)
OCD International HQ
Rob Sonic sat around the OCD HQ with a cup of coffee in front of him, As he slowly poured a healthy serving of whiskey into it, he looked around him. Mike Relmn, Gray Kid, along with the OCD staff sat to his left while on monitors to his right were the people of the Money Fight, Cassettes Won't Listen and Kid Loco (whose transmission looked smoky at best.) All Rob could think was, "how the fuck did I get into this?"
It had all been pretty much pieced together. The Gorilla who had come after Sonic and Loco was the evil mastermind behind all this. It was somehow connected to the clones that had helped destroyed TMF's home planet, but they were still unsure what that connection was. And that damn package was still flashing 06272006 and no one had been able to stop it. Ok, maybe there were a few things to figure out.
Sonic knew he was at least safe and he had a plan. Well, he had a dream. A dream with a man dressed in a hooded robe. The man had appeared in a yellow robe in the center of Sonic's room with a hood covering most of his head with number 908 emblazed across the front. On the back of the robe in big black letters, were the letters AG.
"Greetings. I am a disciple from the house of AG. We are an ancient society whose sole purpose is to help in times of need before great battles. You are going to war Rob Sonic. The Gorilla that chased you has been responsible for destroying countless worlds all over this galaxy. They were the ones that invented the cloning technology that was used to create the Dr Octagon clones. What Cassettes Won't Listen thought were Aliens, were actually The Gorillas, who lose the ability to retain their body hair in space.
OCD had done everything right. But someone made a fatal mistake. You. You think you lost The Gorilla? You lead him right to the source. He knows exactly where you are, and he is planning to destroy OCD HQ and steal the good Doctor's package before the world can hear his message. This cannot happen. You must fight. You must save the planet. It is up to you."
With that, Rob had awoken from his dream to find a dark room and a bad headache. As he fumbled for the lights, he found a space raygun and a training tape with the word Disciple 908 imprinted on it.
As Sonic relayed this to the stunned table around him, he picked up the space gun and pressed play on the training tape. As the beats from the House of AG dropped in, he looked around the table and told them:
"Pack yo shit. We going to war. Suckahs."
Catchdubs: "Al Green (Chapter 2, verse 908 remix)"

The Aliens video dropped also, check it out here.