get in get out

50 Beefin? No way! He too busy makin them gggggggg-unit speical editions Game Boys. Seriously if anyone over 14ish cops that, please shoot yourself thanks because we all know g-unit be playin them mario kart jumpoffs on the street corner.
and in our sports news.. I wouldnt even hate on this now ex-cardinals football player if he was atleast stealing a shiny powerbook? Dell? tha fuck outta here.
Oh yea, here is some top secret gossip here, one of contributors, Buffalo's favorite girl & a nice restaurant he would like
some random ebay shit before i dip..
a bible's collectors wet dream
and i hope the Smithsonian bought this
RZA Interview NPR can hold it down, most def!
tomorrow: mannie fresh new video in-depth analysis
Rostam u home dogg u! dood, you should make a hard core tribute to me and my compton friends...we be bangin hard core raps like this n that straight from the hood, us thugs be slangin, crangin and living it up cali style...much love liz cho cho cho
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/08/2005 5:52 PM
it's mark
Posted by
Mark Byrnes |
3/09/2005 7:38 AM